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Maerweard - We were given the word Meawaerd which translated as ‘Wolf’. We started this brief researching into our subject and their behaviour, we felt the first thing people thought of was a wolf howling in the moon and really enjoyed this imagery and how it would really communicate our word. However, we wanted to include more wolf behaviour than the obvious and watched many documentarist find a scene that would engage a viewer. We felt like the best to raise tension and interest would be a hunting scene and second to that a growling wolf.


A common prey for wolves is the deer, therefore we also studied how deer run too and created a detailed replica of their running motions.

We first struggled with how we would transition from one scene to the next but came up with the idea of snow, which not only helped the first scene transition to the next but also added context to our film. The second scene to the third was made with the illusion of zooming by increasing the letter size. We utilised our time and research well and are really pleased with our final outcome.

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